- Airline cargo ban lifted for pit bulls, Rottweilers and Doberman pinschers
- Akita dog bite expert witness | Statistics & Information about Akitas
- Alaska regulates wolf hybrids
- Alaskan malamute certificate of appreciation received by Dr. Polsky
- Alberta dog expert witness | Legal services for dog bite attorneys
- Animal Behavior & Dog Expert Witness Testimony in Texas
- Animal Behavior / Dog Bite Expert for Georgia Attorneys
- Animal behavior analysis of attack-trained police dogs
- Animal behavior expert analysis in dog bite lawsuits
- Animal Behavior Expert for Dog Custody Divorce Disputes
- Animal behavior expert opinion about a dog's "state-of-mind"?
- Animal behavior expert opinion in lawsuits stemming from dog bites by police canines
- Animal behavior expert opinion on assumption of risk in dog bite lawsuits
- Animal behavior expert witness & canine bite specialist in California
- Animal behavior expert witness & legal consultant
- Animal Behavior Expert Witness Consulting | Bio Richard Polsky, Ph.D.
- Animal Behavior Expert Witness for Alaska Dog Bite Attorneys
- Animal behavior expert witness for dog bite attorneys in Virginia
- Animal Behavior Expert Witness for Michigan Dog Bite Attorneys
- Animal behavior expert witness in California
- Animal behavior expert witness testimony in Washington
- Animal behavior expert witness | Dog bite legal consultant in Arizona and Oregon
- Animal behavior issues for the Nevada dog bite expert witness
- Animal behavior | Dog bite expert witness in Texas
- Animal behavior, excessive force and bite and hold police K-9s | Part I
- Animal behavior, excessive force, and bite & hold police K9s: Part II - Municipal liability
- Animal control officer seeks dog bite reading material
- Animal welfare advocate questions the effects of chaining dogs
- Are dog bites more likely to occur during a full moon?
- Are dogs from nonregistered breeders more likely to inflict dog bite injury?
- Are pit bulls inherently dangerous animals? Expert opinion
- Are pit bulls more dangerous than other dog breeds?
- Arkansas dog expert witness | Legal services for dog bite attorneys
- Attaching leash improperly results in dog bite in Pennsylvania
- Attack cat in California
- Attorney Contact Form
- Attorney Directory Submission Form
- Attorney Instructions for Submission to Directory
- Attorney submission form
- Blunt injury in dog bite cases
- Breed differences affect a dog's aggression to unfamiliar people
- Breed misidentification in Michigan in dog bite fatality
- California dog bite expert opinion about California leash laws
- California dog bite expert witness - Legal services
- California Dog Bite Statistics
- California mother vindicated in dog bite genital mutilation of son
- Can a Cat Bite Cause the Plague?
- Canine Bite Expert Witness Opinion on Daubert
- Cat aggression towards owner likely triggered by novel odor
- Cat Bite Expert Witness
- Chinese government limits dog ownership in Shanghai over dog bite problem
- Choose the best expert witness for your police dog bite lawsuit
- Civil rights police K-9 dog bite attack in San Diego, California
- Colorado Dog Expert Witness | Dog Bite News
- Concerns raised about the aggressive nature of Boerboels
- Contact
- Costly legal battle over potentially dangerous dogs in Yucca Valley, California
- Criminal prosecution of fatal dog attacks
- Criminals, dangerous dogs and expert opinion about a Nevada fatal dog bite
- Curriculum vitae
- Database for dangerous dogs?
- Dental guards for dogs may prevent serious injury from dog bite attack
- Deposition guidelines for attorneys
- Did the dog possess dangerous tendencies?
- Did the Landlord Know the Dog was Dangerous?
- Divine intervention when Bibles used to stop pit bull attack in Texas?
- Do pit bulls inflict severe dog bite injury at high rates?
- Dog aggression expert opinion on human directed aggression in dogs
- Dog behavior expert opinion about discovery collection in Nevada dog bite lawsuits
- Dog Bite & Animal Behavior Expert Witness for Attorneys in Florida
- Dog Bite & Animal Behavior Expert Witness in Washington
- Dog Bite / Animal Behavior Expert Witness for North Carolina Attorneys
- Dog bite attack by pack of Great Danes in Colorado
- Dog bite epidemiology abstracts
- Dog bite expert analysis of chimp mauling in Connecticut
- Dog Bite Expert in Canada
- Dog bite expert opines about dog bite fatalities caused by police canines
- Dog bite expert opines about Fabian’s law in Arizona
- Dog bite expert opinion about a vicious attack on a 4 y.o. by a police canine in CA.
- Dog Bite Expert Witness
- Dog Bite Expert Witness and animal behavior expert for attorneys in Idaho
- Dog Bite Expert Witness for Attorneys in Oklahoma
- Dog Bite Expert Witness for Colorado Attorneys
- Dog Bite Expert Witness for Illinois attorneys
- Dog Bite Expert Witness for Wisconsin Attorneys
- Dog Bite Expert Witness in Maryland | Dog Bite News
- Dog Bite Expert witness in Mississippi | Legal services for Mississippi attorneys
- Dog bite face transplant after dog attack
- Dog bite fatalities in the USA 2004
- Dog bite fatality in Illinois by French bulldog?
- Dog bite force is difficult to calibrate
- Dog bite hospitalization in California
- Dog bite info for Shar pei
- Dog bite info for Spanish Alano
- Dog bite injury blog | Dog attack news
- Dog Bite Injury pictures
- Dog bite injury statistics for the United States, Australia and Canada
- Dog bite injury to children: What factors contribute to its occurrence?
- Dog bite injury to the neck of a human
- Dog bite insurance claims in 2008
- Dog bite law
- Dog Bite Legal Abstracts
- Dog bite legal expert - strict liability in California & Arizona
- Dog bite liability for negligence upheld against animal control in WA.
- Dog bite mauling by boxer dogs in Florida
- Dog bite negligence: Was the dog properly managed?
- Dog bite news in Alabama
- Dog bite news in Arizona | Canine behavior expert Arizona
- Dog bite news in British Columbia
- Dog Bite News in California
- Dog Bite News in Canada
- Dog Bite News in Hawaii
- Dog Bite News in Iowa
- Dog Bite News in Kansas
- Dog Bite News in Louisiana
- Dog bite news in Massachusetts
- Dog Bite News in Minnesota
- Dog Bite News in Missouri
- Dog Bite News in Nebraska
- Dog Bite News in Nevada
- Dog Bite News in New Mexico
- Dog Bite News in New York
- Dog Bite News in Ontario
- Dog Bite News in Pennsylvania
- Dog Bite News in Rhode Island
- Dog Bite News in Saskatchewan
- Dog Bite News in South Carolina
- Dog Bite News in Tennessee
- Dog Bite News in Vermont
- Dog Bite News in West Virginia
- Dog bite news in Wyoming
- Dog Bite News, Statistics & Info on Pit Bulls
- Dog Bite on Child Statistics | Dog Bite Expert Review
- Dog bite or child abuse in Florida?
- Dog bite or scratch? - Expert opinion
- Dog bite post-traumatic stress disorder in children
- Dog bite prevention & safety expert witness
- Dog Bite Prevention & Safety for Children
- Dog bite risk in pit bulls after adoption from an animal shelter
- Dog bite safety and prevention - How effective is an educational approach?
- Dog bite settlement for $1 million in Florida against property owner
- Dog bite statistics
- Dog Bite Statistics & Breed-Specific Legislation
- Dog bite statistics & info for Alaskan malamute
- Dog bite statistics & info for Australian shepherd
- Dog bite statistics & info for Belgian Malinois
- Dog bite statistics & info for Bernese Mountain dog
- Dog bite statistics & info for Boxer
- Dog bite statistics & info for Brazilian mastiff
- Dog bite statistics & info for Bull mastiffs
- Dog bite statistics & info for Chow Chow
- Dog bite statistics & info for Cocker spaniel
- Dog bite statistics & info for Doberman pincher
- Dog bite statistics & info for French mastiff
- Dog bite statistics & info for German Shepherd
- Dog bite statistics & info for Golden retriever
- Dog bite statistics & info for Great Dane
- Dog bite statistics & info for Great Pyrenees
- Dog bite statistics & info for Hungarian Vizsla
- Dog bite statistics & info for Jack russell terrier
- Dog bite statistics & info for police canines
- Dog bite statistics & info for Pomeranians
- Dog bite statistics & info for Rhodesian Ridgeback
- Dog bite statistics & info for Rottweilers
- Dog bite statistics & info for Russian Terrier
- Dog bite statistics & info for Siberian Husky
- Dog bite statistics & info for Staffordshire bull terrier
- Dog Bite Statistics & Info for the Boerboel
- Dog bite statistics & info for the Presa canario
- Dog bite statistics & info for Tosa inu
- Dog bite statistics & info for Wolf hybrid
- Dog bite statistics & info on Cane Corso
- Dog bite statistics and info for American Bulldog
- Dog bite statistics and info for Australian cattle dog
- Dog bite statistics and info for Border collie
- Dog bite statistics and info for Dalmatian
- Dog bite statistics and info for Dogo argentino
- Dog bite statistics and info for Labrador retriever
- Dog bite statistics and info for St. Bernard
- Dog bite statistics and info for Weimaraner
- Dog bite statistics for chained dogs
- Dog Bite Statistics for children
- Dog Bite Statistics for Letter Carriers
- Dog bite statistics from San Diego, California
- Dog Bite Statistics Indiana
- Dog bite statstics & info for Bull Terriers
- Dog Bite statute California -
- Dog bite verdict of $800,000 against California mayor
- Dog Bite Verdicts & Settlements
- Dog Bite Victim: Send info to Dr. Polsky
- Dog Bites by Breed
- Dog bites in the USA
- Dog bites, earthquakes and the Fukushima disaster
- Dog Bites: Trampolines and Children Inciting Aggressive Behavior
- Dog expert opinion on the most aggressive dog breeds
- Dog expert testimony in CA dog bite lawsuit | A Case Study
- Dog Expert Witness: $36 million for Georgia Dog Bite Victim
- Dogo argentino dog bite to face of news anchor on live TV
- Dr. Polsky's Mailbag
- Dr. Polsky's Peer Review Publication about Electronic Shock Collars
- Dr. Polsky's remarks about fatal dog attack in FL by pack of dogs
- Dr. Richard Polsky giving courtroom testimony
- Examples of Dog Bite Lawsuits
- Excessive force by a police K-9 in Arizona
- Excessive force by an attack-trained police K-9 - A blatant example
- Excessive force caused by police K-9s : Resources
- Excessive force in attack-trained police K-9's
- Expert advice on dangerous dog hearing for an Akita in Los Angeles, CA
- Expert opinion about animal behavior factors associated with severe dog bite attack in South Carolina
- Expert Opinion about Dangerous Nature of Attack-Trained Police K9s
- Expert opinion about dog bite negligence
- Expert opinion about foreseeability and punitive damages in a California dog bite lawsuit
- Expert opinion about temperament tests and predatory aggression in dogs
- Expert opinion about the California dog bite statute
- Expert opinion on a dog bite to the face by a German Shepherd in a Texas Petco store
- Expert Opinion on Breed-Specific Legislation
- Expert opinion on dog bite mauling by pit bull on donkey in Arizona
- Expert opinion on French mastiff dog bite fatality in Illinois
- Expert opinion on the reliability of dog breed identification
- Expert witness opinion about police dog bite attacks on innocent bystanders
- Expert witness opinion about the high rate of fatal dog attacks in Texas
- Factors influencing aggressive behavior in dogs
- Fatal Bull Mastiff Dog Bite in Slavonia
- Fatal dog attack by a pack of dogs
- Fatal dog attack on indian reservation in Canada
- Fatal dog attack on infant by Pomeranian in California
- Fatal dog attack statistics in the United States for 2008
- Fatal dog attack stories
- Fatal Dog Attacks in the United States
- Fatal dog attacks in the USA 2005
- Fatal dog attacks on children on swings
- Fatal dog attacks US 2006
- Fatal dog attacks US 2007
- Fatal dog attacks US 2009
- Fatal dog bite attacks on infants in swings
- Fatal Dog Bite from Predatory Dog
- Fatal dog bite in Nevada triggered by possessive aggression in a pit bull
- Fatal dog bites: 6 critical animal behavior factors likely to cause death
- Fatal dog mauling by family pit bull in Pacifica, California
- Fatal dog mauling in Red Bluff, California
- Fatal wolf attack on human in Alaska
- Fate of pit bull after dog bite to attack in Oyster Bay, NY
- Fee schedule for Dr. Polsky
- Florida animal behavior expert witness | Dog bite expert | Canine knock-down
- Florida dog bite statistics
- Florida jury renders $1.26 million verdict in Akita dog bite case
- Florida man mauled by pet monkey
- Foreseeability of injury caused by jumping in a Great Dane?
- Further evidence for dangerous nature of police canine in Florida
- German Shepherd dog bite settlement for $500,000 in California
- Golden retriever dog bite attack questionable
- Great Dane dog bite attack on child in Wisconsin pet store
- Great Dane snatches child from mother in California
- Guidelines for qualifications as an expert witness in animal behavior
- Hard to believe dog bite fatalities by pack of dogs in Georgia
- Homeowner insurance companies blacklist certain breeds of dog
- Hospitalization caused by Alaska dog bite injury
- How Can Dog Expert Testimony Help the Attorney?
- How much is a Pomeranian worth?
- How to Choose an Animal Behavior Expert Witness
- How to collect animal behavior evidence in dog bite cases
- Indiana Dog Bite Expert & Animal Behavior Expert Witness
- Injury can happen from being pulled on a dog leash
- Interpretation of temperament tests in dog bite cases
- Intoxicated Lady Suffers from a Dog Bite in Michigan
- Knock down in dog park in New Jersey
- Landlord / property owner liability in dog bite cases
- Landlord Dog Bite Liability in a California Pit Bull Attack
- Lawsuit claims exclusion for dog bite coverage to household members
- Layla and Mojo
- Los Angeles Dangerous Dog Hearing
- Meet Richard Polsky, Ph.D. | Dog Bite Expert Witness
- Montana dog bite news | Dog Expert Witness
- Negligence by the police K-9 handler?
- New Jersey Dog Bite Verdict: $1.5 Million
- New Jersey dog expert witness | Legal services for dog bite attorneys
- Newborn infant mauled to death in bizarre dog bite incident
- Newspaper stories about dog bite expert Richard Polsky, Ph.D.
- No provocation when man bites dog in Arizona
- Noise from a hearing aid causes dog bite attack in Flordia
- Ohio Dog Bite Expert Witness & Animal Behavior Testimony
- Oregon Dog Bite & Animal Behavior Expert Witness
- Pain elicited aggression in dog bite lawsuits
- Pathogens found in infected dog & cat bites
- Pet store not liable for dog bite injury in New York
- Photograph illustrates typical physical characteristics of dog bite injury
- Pit bull behavior: Answers to 10 critical questions
- Pit bull dog bite attack on commercial property in California
- Pit bull dog bite expert opinion about dog bite injury inflicted by pit bulls
- Pit bull mauling in California: Dog bite expert opinion
- Pit bull mauling victim awarded 2.2 million in Washington
- Pit bull smothers infant to death in Ohio?
- Pit bull terriers: Animal behavior expert opinion
- Pit Bulls, Poor Breeding & Standard of Care
- Plaintiff on bicycle attacked by Weimaraner in California
- Police dog "bite-and-hold" results in $145k settlement for excessive force in California
- Police Dog Attack Verdict: $222,000 Awarded to California Victim
- Police dog bite attack in California kills innocent bystander
- Police dog bite statistics
- Predatory attack on humans by dogs
- Predatory dog bite aggression
- Predatory dog bite attack by dog packs in California, Texas, Georgia, Ohio
- Presa Canario Dog Bite Mauling in San Francisco
- Problems with breed-specific legislation: Can a pit bull be accurately identified through physical appearance?
- Problems with dog breed identification by physical features: Bull Terriers
- Problems with pit bull identification
- Provocation & comparative fault in California dog bite lawsuit
- Provocation by a Rottweiler in a dog bite attack
- Provocation by an intoxicated woman in a dog bite lawsuit in San Diego, California?
- Provocation for facial dog bite by border collie?
- Psychiatric illness and dog bite injury
- Punitive damages in dog bite & dog related injury lawsuits
- Qualifications of dog trainers vs. animal behaviorists
- Question about Pit Bull Bite Statistics
- Questions about the dangerous nature of pit bulls
- Questions for and about the animal behavior expert witness in dog bite lawsuits
- Rabies from dog bites still prevalent in many countries
- Rabies risk in China leads to genocide of dogs
- Reconstruction of a German Shepherd attack in a California dog bite lawsuit
- Research of Richard Polsky, PhD, CDBC
- Retired police canine in California viciously attacks good Samaritan
- Rottweiler attack on human and the taste of blood
- Rottweiler dog bite attack in Pennsylvania settles for $130,000
- San Francisco California dog bite statistics
- San Francisco Dog Mauling Case
- San Francisco dog mauling defendant has murder conviction upheld
- Septicaemia causes death from dog bite
- Should pit bulls be profiled?
- Site map for
- Software teaches children dog bite prevention
- Statistics & costs associated with dog bite injury
- Statistics & factors affecting risk for dog bite injury in Florida
- Statistics regarding dog bites & emergency room visits
- Study finds children bitten most often by bull terriers and Jack russells in Australia
- Study finds dog bites by stray dogs serious problem in Dallas, Texas
- Study underscores danger of cat bites
- Testimonials Dog expert witness Richard Polsky, PhD
- Texas Dog Bite & Animal Behavior Expert Witness
- The 10 most important pieces of evidence to collect in dog bite litigation
- The Animal Behavior Expert: Help for Dog Bite Attorneys
- The dog bite problem in the USA
- The nature of dog bite injury inflicted by police canines
- The San Francisco Dog Mauling | Animal Behavior Expert Opinion
- The unpredictable nature of police canines used for suspect apprehension
- Trespass no defense to pit bull mauling of 6 y.o. girl in Michigan
- User's guide to the scientific literature of dog and cat behavior
- Utah Dog Bite Expert & Animal Behavior Expert Witness
- Utah dog bite expert Witness: The danger of dogs kept on chains
- Value of a photograph at a dog bite trial?
- Verdict against landlord for $992,000 for negligence in dog knock down in California
- Wall & fence jumping in aggressive boxer dogs
- Warm weather & dog bites to children in summer
- Was the dog attack foreseeable?
- What behaviors trigger facial dog bites to humans?
- What causes death from a dog bite?
- Why the high frequency of fatal dog bite attacks in So. California?
- Wisconsin dog bite statistics
- Wolf hybrid aggression & features
- Wolf hybrids ruled dangerous by Canadian Court
- Wolf Hybrids: Are they suitable as pets?
Sorry, no posts found.
American bulldog
Animal behavior
Sorry, no posts found.
Animal behavior expert witness
Sorry, no posts found.
Sorry, no posts found.
Assumption of risk
Background of Dr. Polsky
Sorry, no posts found.
Bizarre dog bite incidents
Sorry, no posts found.
Blacklisted breeds
Sorry, no posts found.
Border collie
Sorry, no posts found.
Breed differences
Sorry, no posts found.
Breed-specific legislation
Bull mastiff
- $1.1 million in record settlement in bull mastiff dog bite attack in Illinois
- Bull Mastiff Fatal Dog Attack in Oklahoma
- Fatal dog attack by bull mastiff on 13-year-old boy in New Jersey
- Fatal dog attack by Bull mastiff on 75-year-old lady in Arkansas
- Fatal dog bite attack by bull mastiff kills 57-year-old lady in Ohio
- Horrific Bull Mastiff Fatal Dog Attack in Texas
Bull terriers
Cane Corso
- Cane Corso dog-aggression causes horrifying knock-down injury
- Cane Corso fatal dog attack in Italy – Stripping off of clothing
- Cane Corsos viciously maul teenager in California
- Expert opinion on Cane Corso fatal dog attack in New York
- Second-degree murder charges in Cane Corso fatal dog bite in Michigan
- Vicious and near-fatal dog attack by Italian mastiffs in Virginia
Sorry, no posts found.
Sorry, no posts found.
Sorry, no posts found.
- Bizarre dog bite incident on school bus by a pit bull in Arizona
- DNA analysis used in Florida deadly dog attack
- Dog expert opinion on the danger of pit bulls to a toddler after divorce
- Labrador retriever viciously bites eight-year-old in face in Florida
- Mom bites off dog’s ear in Texas to stop pit bull attack on two-year-old daughter
- New Jersey boy survives vicious Rottweiler dog bite attack
- Three-year-old survives vicious pit bull attack in Ohio
Sorry, no posts found.
Comparative fault
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Dangerous propensities
Sorry, no posts found.
DNA analysis
Doberman pinscher
Dog bite expert witness
Sorry, no posts found.
dog bite force
Sorry, no posts found.
Dog bite lawsuits
Dog bite prevention
Dog bite statistics
- Dog bite frequency rate increases dramatically in England
- Dog bite statistics for postal workers in American cities, 2012
- Dog Bite Statistics for San Diego County 2011-2012
- Dog bite statistics for USPS & State Farm 2021
- Florida dog bite statistics from State Farm Insurance Company 2012
- Indiana dog bite statistics, 2012
- National dog bite prevention week in 2012 starts May 20
- Recent dog bite hospital and emergency room statistics in Arizona
- USPS Dog Bite Statistics for 2019
Dog Custody
Sorry, no posts found.
Dog expert testimony
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Dog packs
- City of Winnipeg terrorized by a pack of American Bulldogs
- Dog packs increase dog bite risk in Detroit, Michigan
- Fatal dog attack by Great Dane dog pack in rural CA
- Guilty verdict in fatal dog attack on 63-year-old woman by pack of dogs in California
- Olympia WA fatal dog attack by pack of pit bulls on 92 y.o. lady
dog scratch
Expert testimony
Sorry, no posts found.
Fatal dog attacks
- Additional Texas dog bite fatalities in 2015
- Amazon driver killed by German Shepherd & English mastiff
- Animal Behavior / Dog Bite Expert Witness / New York
- Animal behavior perspective on fatal dog attack in Texas
- California dog bite fatality to two-year-old visiting grandmother
- California dog bites fatalities update
- Cane Corso fatal dog attack in Italy – Stripping off of clothing
- Did coughing trigger a predatory fatal dog attack in California?
- DNA analysis used in Florida deadly dog attack
- DNA to identify dogs in fatal dog attack in California
- Doberman kills toddler in Michigan while feeding the dog a biscuit
- Dog attack kills toddler in Hunt County,Texas
- Dog bite fatalities in California at record levels in 2013
- Dog bite mauling in Hertford, NC takes the life of 10-month-old boy
- Dog Bite Mauling | Fatal dog attack on 10-year-old boy in South Carolina
- Expert opinion on Cane Corso fatal dog attack in New York
- Family pit bull with no aggressive history kills 59-year-old woman in Ohio
- Family pit bulls attack and kill six-year-old boy in Florida
- Fatal dog attack by bull mastiff on 13-year-old boy in New Jersey
- Fatal dog attack by Bull mastiff on 75-year-old lady in Arkansas
- Fatal dog attack by Great Dane dog pack in rural CA
- Fatal dog attack by pack a stray dogs in Dallas, Texas
- Fatal dog attack by pit bull on 56-year-old lady in wheelchair in Maryland
- Fatal dog attack by unrestrained German Shepherd mix in rural Alabama
- Fatal dog attack in Arkansas by pack of pit bulls
- Fatal Dog Attack in Canada
- Fatal Dog Attack on Toddler in Magnolia,Texas
- Fatal dog attacks in the USA: Forecast for 2015
- Fatal dog bite attack by bull mastiff kills 57-year-old lady in Ohio
- Fatal dog bite attack by chained Rottweiler on toddler in Florida
- Fatal dog bite attack by pack of dogs in Georgia
- Fatal dog bite attack in Georgia: Missing Boy Found Mauled to Death
- Fila Brasileiro fatal dog attack in Canada?
- Four-year-old girl mauled by family dog in Las Cruces,New Mexico
- Georgia dog bite fatality kills 23-year-old college student in DeKalb
- Guilty verdict in fatal dog attack on 63-year-old woman by pack of dogs in California
- Maryland dog bite expert witness | Fatal dog bite
- Murder charges filed against owner of pit bulls in California dog bite fatality
- Olympia WA fatal dog attack by pack of pit bulls on 92 y.o. lady
- Partial listing of fatal dog attacks, 2024 – 2025
- Pit bull kills infant with redirected aggression in Indiana
- Predation likely motive behind fatal dog attack in Texas
- Process server in Texas killed by Labrador retriever led dog pack
- Recent fatal dog attack statistics in the United States
- Redirected aggression dog bite fatality in Arizona kills two-year-old boy
- Second-degree murder charges in Cane Corso fatal dog bite in Michigan
- Siberian Husky fatal dog attack on infant in Minnesota and Alberta, Canada
- South Carolina Fatal Dog Attack: The Danger of Dog Packs
- Suicide by fatal pit bull dog bite in Michigan?
- Texas records first dog bite fatality in USA for 2014
- What caused North Carolina fatal dog attack on an elderly lady?
French bulldog
German Shepherd
Great Danes
Home Page
Sorry, no posts found.
Jack Russell Terrier
Labrador retrievers
Sorry, no posts found.
Legal consultation
Sorry, no posts found.
Man bites dog
Sorry, no posts found.
Sorry, no posts found.
Sorry, no posts found.
Pet sitter
Pet store
Sorry, no posts found.
Pit bulls
- Bizarre dog bite incident on school bus by a pit bull in Arizona
- California dog bite fatality to two-year-old visiting grandmother
- Did coughing trigger a predatory fatal dog attack in California?
- Dog expert opinion on the danger of pit bulls to a toddler after divorce
- Elderey Florida woman seriously injured in pit bull dog bite attack
- Family pit bull with no aggressive history kills 59-year-old woman in Ohio
- Fatal dog attack in Arkansas by pack of pit bulls
- Fatal Dog Attack on Toddler in Magnolia,Texas
- Fatal dog bite attack by pack of dogs in Georgia
- Guilty verdict in fatal dog attack on 63-year-old woman by pack of dogs in California
- Maryland dog bite expert witness | Fatal dog bite
- Mom bites off dog’s ear in Texas to stop pit bull attack on two-year-old daughter
- Movement on bicycle possible trigger to dog bite attack on 10-year-old girl in Kentucky
- Olympia WA fatal dog attack by pack of pit bulls on 92 y.o. lady
- Partial listing of fatal dog attacks, 2024 – 2025
- Pit bull attack on 7 year-old boy settles for $325,000 in Santa Monica, CA.
- Pit bull dog bite on deaf-mute woman in Kentucky
- Pit bull kills infant with redirected aggression in Indiana
- Pit Bull Mauling in Chicago: Early Morning Jog Turns Gruesome
- Pit bulls seized from fighting rings in CA. not necessarily vicious
- Pitbull debate resurfaces in Mississippi
- Predation likely motive behind fatal dog attack in Texas
- South Carolina Fatal Dog Attack: The Danger of Dog Packs
- Three-year-old survives vicious pit bull attack in Ohio
- Vicious pit bull mauling captured on video in California
- Vicious pitbull attacks captured on video in New York
- Watch vicious pit bull attack inside San Francisco public library
- What caused North Carolina fatal dog attack on an elderly lady?
Police K9
- Animal behavior science and the inherently dangerous nature of attack trained police K-9s
- Canine handler abusing his K9 partner shown in disturbing video
- Mississippi dog bite expert opinion about police dog bite at MS. St. football game
- Off-duty police K-9 viciously attacks canine handler in New Jersey
- Police dog bite attack on innocent bystander settles for $225,000 in Washington
- Police dog trainer in North Carolina calls police K-9 handlers stupid
- Police K9 fatal dog attacks
- Vicious police dog bite attack rips man’s throat apart in Ontario, Canada
- Video of police dog attack on innocent bystander
- Watch video of police K9 attack in Florida
- Watch video of vicious police K9 attack in Maine
Sorry, no posts found.
Posttraumatic stress disorder
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Punitive damages
San Francisco dog mauling
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Scratch injury
Sorry, no posts found.
Siberian Huskies
Sorry, no posts found.
Stray dogs
Strict Liability
Sorry, no posts found.
Temperament testing
Sorry, no posts found.
Territorial Aggression
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United States Postal Service
Verdicts & Settlements
Wolf hybrid