A Rottweiler attack which occurred in 2009 in Whitehall Township, Pennsylvania settled in 2012 for $130,000. The victim was a four-year-old girl. She was bitten in the face, which required 50 stitches, and subsequently revision surgery was performed.

The incident happened when the child attended a party with her family, and another guest brought the Rottweiler to the party and subsequently left the Rottweiler unrestrained and unsupervised. Both the property owner and the owner of the Rottweiler were sued.
Read more about incidents involving Rottweiler dog bites.
Richard Polsky, Ph.D. is an animal behavior dog bite expert witness based in California. Dr. Polsky is available for consultation and testimony about Rottweiler dog bite attacks. He has worked successfully with attorneys representing clients of been attacked by Rottweilers. Dr. Polsky is available nationwide for consultation.