Richard Polsky, Ph.D. provides expert witness services in animal behavior for dog bite attorneys in Washington state. Dr. Polsky has successfully served attorneys in Washington.

Below, Dr. Polsky presents dog-related personal injury events specific to Washington which may be of interest to Washington attorneys handling dog bite cases.
Appellate court upholds liability in the 2.2 million dog bite case against animal control
Animal control officials received numerous complaints about the dangerous nature of two pit bulls who entered the home and mauled the plaintiff while she was in bed at night. Pierce County who saw animal control is found 42% responsible for the incident due to the negligence and the owners of the pit bulls shared nearly all of the remaining liability. More about this incident can be found at $2.2 million verdict upheld against animal control
Fatal dog attacked by a group of pit bulls kills 92-year-old lady
In an dog bite event that happened in Olympia, a 92-year-old lady, engaged in a friendly neighborly gesture, was mauled and killed by two pit bulls after she entered her neighbor’s home to deliver their newspaper. The owners were not home at the time of the incident. Hence, police concluded that the victim technically was a trespasser according to law, therefore making it unlikely that the owners would be criminally prosecuted. more about this incident can be found here: Pit bulls kills 92-year-old lady in Olympia.
$225,000 settlement for police K9 attack on innocent bystander in Lakewood, Washington
As discussed elsewhere on this website, innocent bystanders are occasionally attacked by police K9s. Usually these incidences happen during deployment of the canine for suspect apprehension. Essentially, from my perspective in animal behavior, the highly aroused K9 has an eagerness to attack but errors and attacks a person other than the suspect! Click here to read more about this unfortunate incident.
Richard Polsky, Ph.D. welcomes inquiries from attorneys in Washington seeking an animal behavior expert witness. Dr. Polsky has been qualified in court in Spokane and has served other dog bite attorneys in Washington on many occasions. Most assignments can be satisfactory completed remotely but when necessary Dr. Polsky will travel for inspections or trial testimony.