Richard Polsky, Ph.D. is an expert witness and animal behavior specialist who specializes in dog bites. He offers his services to attorneys in Pennsylvania who are litigating personal injury cases that are the consequence of canine aggressiveness and other associated canine behaviors. It is the purpose of this page to let Pennsylvania attorneys know of Dr. Polsky’s availability to testify as an animal behavior expert witness. Further information on Dr. Polsky’s history and credentials can be found on the homepage.

Pennsylvania dog bite news
New articles regarding canine attacks on people that took place in Utah are detailed below, along with links to those stories. In many cases of dog bite lawsuits, the circumstances are typical of the fact pattern that is presented. Examples include children being viciously attacked or people being killed.
- Rottweiler attack on four-year-old girl results in $130,000 settlement. The incident took place at a party where the child’s parents had brought her. another partygoer brought her Rottweiler. The Rottweiler was left unattended in the presence of the child. Read more.
- 60-year-old lady mauled death by group of three pit bulls in Miller Township Read more
Pennsylvania dog bite expert Richard Polsky, PhD, welcomes inquiries from Pennsylvania attorneys involved in dog bite litigation. Dr. Polsky provides expert witness services nationwide and he has successfully served Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York attorneys.