Dog Bite | Animal Behavior Expert Witness

Richard H. Polsky, Ph.D. CDBC
Los Angeles, California

“Bringing the science of animal behavior to attorneys”

Animal behavior expert on dog bite attacks

Richard H. Polsky, Ph.D. CDBC
Los Angeles, California

“Bringing the science of animal behavior to attorneys”

Dog Bite Injury Blog

A blog for attorneys & dog bite victims by animal behavior expert, Richard Polsky, PhD. The dog bite injury blog was created to report current news about injury caused to people as a result of being attacked by a canine. An animal behavior perspective is used. Stories for inclusion have been carefully chosen based on where the incident happened, the breed of dog involved, the nature of the injurylegal implications, and whether a canine fatality occurred.

California dog bite expert

Guilty verdict in fatal dog attack on 63-year-old woman by pack of dogs in California

Alex Jackson really did not have much of a chance when his case came before jury in California in August 2014.  Jackson was facing charges of second-degree murder for an Read More..

akita dog bite expert

DNA analysis used in Florida deadly dog attack

Six dogs were seized from a home in the Goulds section of Miami  following a deadly dog attack on a four-year-old old boy on August 13, 2014. The incident happened Read More..

New Jersey boy survives vicious Rottweiler dog bite attack

  The damage done when a Rottweiler inflicts dog bite injury to a person can be devastating.  Given the Rottweiler’s size and strength and the behavioral traits currently selected for Read More..

August 9, 2014

Jury awards $150K for Rottweiler attack on veterinary technician in Virginia

Rottweiler dog bite expert, Richard Polsky, PhD, describes a case in which a jury in Virginia awarded $150K to a veterinary technician as a result of a Rottweiler attack that Read More..

August 8, 2014

Family pit bulls attack and kill six-year-old boy in Florida

The majority of people in United States killed by pit bulls are unfamiliar with the dog.  Exceptions do occur, however.  For example, in 2011 a 32-year-old pregnant woman was killed Read More..

August 8, 2014

Cane Corso dog bite expert

Second-degree murder charges in Cane Corso fatal dog bite in Michigan

Cane Corso’s are large and muscular mastiff type dogs that have developed a reputation for aggression towards people. Cane Corsos have been disproportionately represented in a number of fatal dog Read More..

August 7, 2014

Three-year-old survives vicious pit bull attack in Ohio

Most toddlers  viciously attacked by pit bull type dogs are lucky to survive.  Epidemiological evidence supports this belief: studies have repeatedly found that a disproportional amount of fatalities and severe Read More..

August 6, 2014

Pitbull fatal dog attack

Family pit bull with no aggressive history kills 59-year-old woman in Ohio

A supposedly non-aggressive, family pit bull mix named Polo, killed a 59-year-old woman in Madison Twp. Ohio in August 2014.  The daughter of the victim, owner of the dog, states Read More..

August 6, 2014

police dog bite expert

Off-duty police K-9 viciously attacks canine handler in New Jersey

Sufficient evidence has been amassed to suggest that police canines deployed in the field by their handlers may be unpredictable and problematic at times.  Evidence which supports this belief is Read More..

August 5, 2014

Labrador retriever expert witness

Labrador retriever viciously bites eight-year-old in face in Florida

Labrador retrievers have long had the reputation of being well-tempered, highly trainable, trustworthy, and a breed suitable for families with children.  News reports are rare about a Labrador retriever inflicting Read More..

April 25, 2014

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