Dog Bite | Animal Behavior Expert Witness

Richard H. Polsky, Ph.D. CDBC
Los Angeles, California

“Bringing the science of animal behavior to attorneys”

Animal behavior expert on dog bite attacks

Richard H. Polsky, Ph.D. CDBC
Los Angeles, California

“Bringing the science of animal behavior to attorneys”

Dog Bite Injury Blog

A blog for attorneys & dog bite victims by animal behavior expert, Richard Polsky, PhD. The dog bite injury blog was created to report current news about injury caused to people as a result of being attacked by a canine. An animal behavior perspective is used. Stories for inclusion have been carefully chosen based on where the incident happened, the breed of dog involved, the nature of the injurylegal implications, and whether a canine fatality occurred.

Family members fatally attacked by great Danes

Key takeaway Great Danes, a territorially protective breed by nature, cannot always be trusted to be safe with family members. In certain circumstances some Danes may be motivated to attack Read More..

October 29, 2022

Dog bite USPS

Dog bite statistics for USPS & State Farm 2021

Key takeaways National Dog Bite Prevention week happens annually in June. This event is promoted by the USPS and State Farm Insurance. Dog bite attacks represent a serious occupational hazard Read More..

September 20, 2022

Fatal dog bites

Watch vicious pit bull attack inside San Francisco public library

Videos of vicious pit bulls  attacks on people demonstrate  the danger some dogs of the pit bull type present to public safety. Another avoidable incident was captured on video on Read More..

January 24, 2022

police K9 fprce

Watch video of vicious police K9 attack in Maine

Subsequent to the laws which now require police to wear body cams, videos are becoming increasingly common on YouTube showing the vicious attacks by police canines on suspects. Here’s another Read More..

January 16, 2022

Standard of care in a California dog bite lawsuit

The standard of care given to a dog is an issue that  occasionally arises in dog bite lawsuits. Basically, this is an issue about the care and management an owner Read More..

January 6, 2022

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Dog bites & Children

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is frequent consequence of dog bite injury. Studies have shown that approximately 40% of dog bite victims, particularly children, will be afflicted with this kind Read More..

Boxer fatal dog attack

Fatal dog bite by Boxers on 52 y.o. lady in South Carolina

Fatal dog bites inflicted by boxers are rare occurrences. Nevertheless, the potential for fatal dog attacks by a boxer exists provided the circumstances are present to make a dog bite Read More..

December 18, 2021

Watch video of police K9 attack in Florida

A video of police K9 attack on an suspect who had already surrendered exemplifies the difficulty handlers have in controlling their K9s during suspect apprehension. The incident, which happened in Read More..

September 10, 2021

California dog bite

What counts as a dog bite in California?

Imagine the scenario where German shepherd escapes from the confines of its house in California runs into the yard and seizes the leg of a workman on a ladder. The Read More..

July 17, 2021

Animal behavior science and the inherently dangerous nature of attack trained police K-9s

Presentation by Richard  Polsky at the annual meeting the Animal Behavior Society, August 2021 The perspective from animal behavior science is needed to fully understand and explain the behavior of Read More..

July 15, 2021

Dog Bite Resources

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