Richard H. Polsky, Ph.D. CDBC
Los Angeles, California
“Bringing the science of animal behavior to attorneys”
A blog for attorneys & dog bite victims by animal behavior expert, Richard Polsky, PhD. The dog bite injury blog was created to report current news about injury caused to people as a result of being attacked by a canine. An animal behavior perspective is used. Stories for inclusion have been carefully chosen based on where the incident happened, the breed of dog involved, the nature of the injury, legal implications, and whether a canine fatality occurred.
Cyclists training in remote areas may encounter packs of dogs, and they need to be aware of the dangers of dog bite attack. An example of the danger cyclists face Read More..
A Labrador retriever escaped from its yard and attacked Caren Henry, walking her dog in Madrid, Iowa in April, 2013. A dog bite incident like this is not in itself Read More..
According to State Farm Insurance, Indiana ranked #7 on the State Farm list of the top 10 states with the most dog bite incidents and litigation payout in 2012. State Read More..
An integrated group of pit bull type dogs living in a household may pose the risk of engaging in a fatal dog bite attack to household residents. This is especially Read More..
A two-year-old was mauled and killed by a Rottweiler in Jacksonville, Florida in March 2013. According to local news, the Rottweiler was chained to a pole in a neighbor’s front Read More..
An inmate at a prison in Columbus, Ohio lost part of this nose after being attacked by a dog brought into the prison for the purposes of inmate rehabilitation. Read More..
A 62 year old man jogging on the Lake Michigan shore in Chicago in the early morning was brutally mauled by two pit bull terriers on January 2nd, 2012. The victim, Joseph Finley, Read More..
Three sled dogs managed to break away from the restraint of being chained and proceeded to maul and kill a four year old boy in the Baffin Islands, Canada, on Read More..
Letter carriers that work on foot are a common victim of dog attack.The United States Postal Service released 2012 data regarding the frequency of dog bite attacks on letter carriers Read More..
Dog bite prevention week occurs annually in the United States in the month of May. State Farm insurance company actively is involved in promoting this week, probably in part because Read More..