Richard H. Polsky, Ph.D. CDBC
Los Angeles, California
“Bringing the science of animal behavior to attorneys”
A blog for attorneys & dog bite victims by animal behavior expert, Richard Polsky, PhD. The dog bite injury blog was created to report current news about injury caused to people as a result of being attacked by a canine. An animal behavior perspective is used. Stories for inclusion have been carefully chosen based on where the incident happened, the breed of dog involved, the nature of the injury, legal implications, and whether a canine fatality occurred.
More people sustain serious dog bite injury and dogs kill more people in California and Texas than in any state in the United States. Through September, 2013, there have been Read More..
Redirected aggression in dogs to humans occasionally happens. The occurrence of this kind of aggression may happen when a person attempts to stop a fight between two dogs, or in Read More..
The recent filing for bankruptcy in Detroit, Michigan has had an unforeseen effect on the dog population within Detroit. Namely, many dogs have been abandoned by their financially strapped owners, Read More..
A Cane Corso fatal dog attack in New York tragically took the life four-year-old boy in May, 2011. This incident along with other reported severe dog bite attacks by individuals of Read More..
The predatory aggressive behavior of dogs is frequently triggered by movement of children on skateboards, roller blades, and bicycles. Predatory aggressive behavior is probably more common in dogs developed for Read More..
Dog bite fatalities in California are at record high levels through June 2013. Four people have been killed in California because of dog bite injury from January-June 2013. In Read More..
Findings from animal behavior science indicate that aggressive behavioral responding in dogs is contextual in nature. That is, a dog that possesses aggressive tendencies in one context, may not be Read More..
The Bullmastiff is a large powerful breed developed originally from a cross between the old English Mastiff and the old English bulldog. The breed was developed for guarding purposes. Read More..
More fatal dog attacks occur in Texas than in any other state in the USA. There are a number of reasons to account for the high rate in Texas, some Read More..
Dog packs roaming in remote areas pose a serious dog bite threat to people and other animals in communities adjacent to these areas. This is well known by animal control Read More..