Richard H. Polsky, Ph.D. CDBC
Los Angeles, California
“Bringing the science of animal behavior to attorneys”
A blog for attorneys & dog bite victims by animal behavior expert, Richard Polsky, PhD. The dog bite injury blog was created to report current news about injury caused to people as a result of being attacked by a canine. An animal behavior perspective is used. Stories for inclusion have been carefully chosen based on where the incident happened, the breed of dog involved, the nature of the injury, legal implications, and whether a canine fatality occurred.
Animal behaviorists who serve as expert witnesses in dog bite cases know that in some cases, there may be a need for their expertise to assess the foreseeability of any Read More..
CBS News published a short video about this December 2021 incident in Texas. The video is graphic and disturbing! Watch video
Oakland California, 53-year-old man mauled by Cane Corso type dogs Three Cane Corso x Neapolitan mastiff-type dogs escaped the backyard of the property of the owner and then dragged the Read More..
The inherent dangers of dog packs and the manner in which they can cause a dog-related human fatality are addressed in other sections of this website. Below, I remind the reader Read More..
Below is correspondence I received from a Wolf hybrid advocate, Lori Wynn, CEO of the nonprofit Ms. Wynn brought to my attention that the United States Department of Agriculture Read More..
0In dog bite litigation, occasionally there is uncertainty about whether the injury inflicted to a person resulted from a dog bite vs dog scratch. From a legal perspective, a person Read More..
The vast majority of dog bite lawsuits in Virginia settle before trial. The reasons why settlements are reached include: the severity of the victim’s injuries, the degree of negligence by Read More..
Fatal dog attacks by police K9s are rare. Nonetheless, there are few documented accounts that merit careful attention. The reason why police canines do not kill people more often stems Read More..
The circumstances are not known about a recent mauling of a teenager in California by a pack Cane Corsos. The incident happened the afternoon of October 30, 2022 in Thousand Read More..
Amazon delivery divers making home deliveries to residential customers are at high-risk of being attacked and bitten by a territorial aggressive dog. Despite this danger, those making policies regarding worker Read More..