Dog Bite | Animal Behavior Expert Witness

Richard H. Polsky, Ph.D. CDBC
Los Angeles, California

“Bringing the science of animal behavior to attorneys”

Animal behavior expert on dog bite attacks

Richard H. Polsky, Ph.D. CDBC
Los Angeles, California

“Bringing the science of animal behavior to attorneys”

Dog Bite Injury Blog

A blog for attorneys & dog bite victims by animal behavior expert, Richard Polsky, PhD. The dog bite injury blog was created to report current news about injury caused to people as a result of being attacked by a canine. An animal behavior perspective is used. Stories for inclusion have been carefully chosen based on where the incident happened, the breed of dog involved, the nature of the injurylegal implications, and whether a canine fatality occurred.

Fatal dog attack by unrestrained German Shepherd mix in rural Alabama

Play behavior by a child in the presence of some dogs increases the likelihood of dog bite attack. This factor, frequently noted by animal behaviorists, happens because of the jerky, Read More..

Siberian Husky fatal dog attack on infant in Minnesota and Alberta, Canada

  Siberian Huskies have not been implicated in many fatal dog attacks on humans relative to other breeds known to kill people.  Since 2006 in the United States approximately 6 people Read More..

Ohio Dog Bite Expert

Fatal dog bite attack by bull mastiff kills 57-year-old lady in Ohio

Police say that had received numerous complaints about the two dogs that killed a 57-year-old lady on February 7, 2014 in Dayton, Ohio. The mauled body of the victim was Read More..

February 9, 2014

Texas dog bite expert

Texas records first dog bite fatality in USA for 2014

Texas, the state with more dog bite fatalities in the USA than any other, recorded the first reported bite fatality in the USA on January 4, 2014.  The fact that Read More..

February 9, 2014

Arkansas dog bite expert

Fatal dog attack by Bull mastiff on 75-year-old lady in Arkansas

Bull mastiffs have been implicated in several fatal dog attacks in recent years, one which included a fatal dog attack on a 10-year-old boy in Oklahoma. Fatal dog attacks involving Read More..

November 22, 2013

Maryland dog bite expert

Fatal dog attack by pit bull on 56-year-old lady in wheelchair in Maryland

Statistics compiled from dog bite instances have consistently shown that Pit bulls are the type of dog disproportionately involved in most fatal dog attacks on people in the United States. Read More..

November 4, 2013

California dog bite expert

California dog bite fatality to two-year-old visiting grandmother

More people sustain serious dog bite injury and dogs kill more people  in California and Texas than in any state in the United States. Through September, 2013, there have been Read More..

September 24, 2013

Arizona dog bite expert

Redirected aggression dog bite fatality in Arizona kills two-year-old boy

Redirected aggression in dogs to humans occasionally happens. The occurrence of this kind of aggression may happen when a person attempts to stop a fight between two dogs, or in Read More..

September 23, 2013

Expert opinion on Cane Corso fatal dog attack in New York

A Cane Corso fatal dog attack in New York tragically took the life four-year-old boy in May, 2011.  This incident along with other reported severe dog bite attacks by individuals of Read More..

August 19, 2013

California dog bite expert

Dog bite fatalities in California at record levels in 2013

Dog bite fatalities in California are at record high levels through June 2013. Four people have been killed in California because of dog bite injury from January-June 2013.   In Read More..

June 23, 2013

Texas dog bite expert

Fatal Dog Attack on Toddler in Magnolia,Texas

More fatal dog attacks occur in Texas than in any other state in the USA. There are a number of reasons to account for the high rate in Texas, some Read More..

California dog bite expert

Murder charges filed against owner of pit bulls in California dog bite fatality

Dog packs roaming in remote areas pose a serious dog bite threat to people and other animals in communities adjacent to these areas. This is well known by animal control Read More..

May 31, 2013

dog expert Georgia

Fatal dog bite attack by pack of dogs in Georgia

An integrated group of pit bull type dogs living in a household  may pose the risk of engaging in a fatal dog bite attack to household residents. This is especially Read More..

akita dog bite expert

Fatal dog bite attack by chained Rottweiler on toddler in Florida

A two-year-old was mauled and killed by a Rottweiler in Jacksonville, Florida in March 2013. According to local news, the Rottweiler was chained to a pole in a neighbor’s front Read More..

May 29, 2013

Canada Dog expert witness

Fatal Dog Attack in Canada

Three sled dogs managed to break away from the restraint of being chained and proceeded to maul and kill a four year old boy in the Baffin Islands, Canada, on Read More..

May 28, 2013

South Carolina Fatal Dog Attack: The Danger of Dog Packs

Eighty year-old Carlton Freeman, a bilateral amputee at the knees, was riding his motorized wheelchair on May 8, 2013 when he was brutally attacked and mauled by four pit bull Read More..

New Mexico dog bite expert

Four-year-old girl mauled by family dog in Las Cruces,New Mexico

A 4 year-old girl  left unattended in a camping trailer, was bitten severely in the face as her father was busy checking for air in the tires in preparation for Read More..

September 18, 2012

dog bite expert north carolina

Dog bite mauling in Hertford, NC takes the life of 10-month-old boy

Ten-month-old James Hudson was killed in his home by the family dog on September 9 , 2012 in Hertford, North Carolina. The victim’s grandmother was babysitting this child, and happened Read More..

September 18, 2012

Dog bite expert South Carolina

Dog Bite Mauling | Fatal dog attack on 10-year-old boy in South Carolina

The South Carolina Court of Appeals overturned the conviction of Bentley Collins in the dog bite mauling death of a 10-year-old Matthew Davis. In February 2012, Collins was convicted and  Read More..

September 18, 2012

Fatal dog bite attack in Georgia: Missing Boy Found Mauled to Death

Four-year-old, Brayton Carson, reported missing by his mother in the early evening on September 06, 2012, was found dead several hours later in high grass about 90 feet from his Read More..

September 7, 2012

dog expert Georgia

Georgia dog bite fatality kills 23-year-old college student in DeKalb

Georgia dog bite fatality victim, Rebecca Carey, described as a person with  an extreme devotion to animals, may have been killed by some of the rescue dogs she took into Read More..

August 20, 2012

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